var allowed=true; function updateThumb(ele,score,status){ if(!parseInt(document.getElementById("ratedone_"+ele.split("_")[1]).innerHTML)) { document.getElementById(ele).innerHTML = parseInt(document.getElementById(ele).innerHTML) + 1; document.getElementById("ratedone_"+ele.split("_")[1]).innerHTML = 1; } else { alert("Sie haben bereits eine Bewertung abgegeben"); } } document.write('
Jasmin from UK vom 17.01.2023
0 48          7
Works as it was promised to me on phone!
Highly appreciate your support.

Enjoy your weekend and thank you.
Best Wishes
Randy Massmann vom 28.05.2017
0 42          6
I read an interview about an examiner who uses the polygraph from, so I got interested about the product.

I own a Praxis Psychological Services, PLLC since many years. Since there always has been a demand from my clients to take part in lie detector test with a polygraph, I made the decision to buy one.

I was a little sceptical about the price. If you do a little research you find manufactors of polygraphs that are on the market over 20 years.

The prices are at least $5.000 minimum and can easily go up to over $20.000.

A real polygraph with 6 physiological sensors for $1049 only?

I gave it a try!

And all I can say it was perfect decision. The software is outstanding!

Easy to use for novice users and with expert or advanced settings.

Great invention! Superb polygraph.
Thank you guys.
MiroslavLL vom 17.06.2022
0 38          4
My company is located in Serbia. I am in the investigative field already for many years and want to upgrade my business for my customers.
I would like to offer Polygraph Lie Detector Tests in my Country. It is common here...
Is there anyone who can contact and give me feedback about that Polygraph they offer?
Would like a review before I buy.

You can contact me:

Jennifer vom 02.02.2018
0 37          6
Thanks a lot for the great explanation on phone! The support team helped perfect before buying the Polygraph. I have chosen the Polygraph Expert with 6 sensors.
The software works perfect.
I apreciate it.

Thanks guys
Cyrel Sneer vom 12.08.2015
0 35          10
I have bought the polygraph to measure physiological facts.
The senors are good quality and the software is very sensitive. Results are awesome.

Well, I can recommend it from my side. Would be interesting to have a statement from an educated examiner.
Dr. Andrew Lark vom 11.07.2022
0 32          11
I bought the lie detector for my cabinet 3 weeks ago. It is as precise as my other 4k Euro equipment that I own. They even assisted me in order to set it up.
I recomand it to anyone interested in having a professional lie detector.
Emilia T vom 23.06.2022
0 31          4
I had to find a lie detector to do some studies for my PHD and the ones from big companies were about 10.000 Euros, which is not convinient for me, but I found this company and I ordered a lie detector from them for a way smaller price. The results were actually very good and accurate. I tested it for 2-3 days before starting the study and it worked like a charm every single time. The software interface is not very good looking and looks very old fashioned, but for this price its acceptable
Dr. Stefan Rauch vom 19.04.2021
0 29          7
I have business where I do poligraph tests and I have 3 of these devices at my cabinet. They work great after 3 years of daily use. the bad part is that you can not find on their website spare sensors, but you can find them on other websites.
Rosy vom 19.03.2017
0 27          8
I would like to get self-employed in Chicago with lie detector tests and a polygraph.Can you tell if you have some examiners in the region that use your polygraph, or as well in general. How is the coverage?Thank you
Robert Vincent vom 30.06.2022
0 27          2
We used to pay a company to take polygraph tests for our employees, but after that I decided to order a machine for my company. The user manual helped me a lot to understand how it is working and how to read the data. It would be better if they offered the customers a video and explain how to read the data.
Kim Maria vom 10.05.2021
0 26          6
The upgrade is definetely worth it for this money. All accesories were included in the package
Luis D. vom 29.09.2020
0 25          7
At first, I thought that this is a like detector for amateurs, but after I bought and used it for a while, I realised that it is a profesional one, so I recommend reading all the instructions!!
Karl Zimerman vom 08.03.2021
0 25          5
Not gonna LIE, this is a good polygraph. I want to start a new business and Ive been looking for a good one for a while. thanks
Leila T vom 13.04.2021
0 25          8
I used this lie detector for 2-3 years and after that one of the sensor broke..I tried to find on Amazon a replacement one, but I could not find it. this company told me that they can replace the sensor for 200 euros. it is quite a lot, but the detector did its job great so it is worth it
Brad Kyle vom 24.03.2020
0 24          3
Very sensitive software. the results are instant and they can be interpreted easily. Quite difficult to use by a non-profesional person, but if you call them, you will have all the answers.
Robin Schwarz vom 22.02.2016
0 23          7
I had a bunch of question according operating professional polygraph test. The support was very helpful. So I think I leave a positive reply at least.
Thomas L. vom 08.04.2016
0 23          9
Fast delivery and great developed polygraph!
All good.
Jahred Monfre vom 10.11.2020
0 23          4
I watched the youtube video on their chanel for the installation guide and in 2 hours I was making the first test. It helped me a lot Thank you
Karla Lotte vom 25.02.2020
0 23          8
The lie detector is pretty hard to install. Quite different from old fashioned ones, but in a good way. Very accurate and fast.
DR. Ostropov Vase vom 04.05.2021
0 23          1
I use this lie detector at my cabinet for 2 years now. It is very solid and the sensors are so accurate, but one of the cables is borken now. IT costs me 50 euros to replace it but it was my fault
John Chadwick vom 16.08.2021
0 23          3
I am very happy with my purchase. The instructions were very clear and I did not have any problems when using the lie detector. I recommend to anyone interested!
Emma J. vom 02.06.2021
0 22          6
I bought this lie detector a few months ago. it works good so far. I use it to test the new employees that I hire in my company. Easy to use computer program, I recommend it
Bart Janssens vom 09.06.2021
0 22          2
The lie detector is very precise. I did not expect it to work so well. The only problem I have encountered is that the sensors can not be replaced and I checked on the website and they do not sell any spare parts.
Ingrid S. vom 26.06.2021
0 22          8
I was surprised to see how well the product works considering it was not so expensive. I am happy with my decision to buy this product as it is one of the best poligraphs I have ever used.
Ignaz Helmut vom 26.05.2020
0 21          11
The lie detector came fast. I had one problem with the finger sensor, but after a quick call, they immediately sent me a new one. Very professional seller. Thanks!
Vander Vonfer vom 12.07.2020
0 21          5
es kostet eine menge. Ich hoffe, es schadet nicht und ist die Investition wert. bisher bin ich zufrieden
Gary Brown vom 09.08.2021
0 21          3
I have always wanted to buy a lie detector test but nothing seemed to please me until I tried this one that my friend had and I really liked it. I bought one instantly and it works very well. I recommend this product!
Natalia Ich vom 16.06.2021
0 20          4
I was surprised to see how well the product works considering it was not so expensive. I am happy with my decision to buy this product as it is one of the best poligraphs I have ever used.
Clara Simmons vom 15.07.2021
0 20          8
Works as advertised. For the small price I paid it really impressed me with how good it works. It also was not that hard to install. The instructions were very explicit. I recommend the product to all that are interested. but do not have that big of a budget.
Michael Rigs vom 02.08.2021
0 20          3
I had an old lie detector that had a broken sensor, so I decided to buy this one. works like a charm so far. very precise and the upgrade is worth it
Laura Ross vom 16.03.2021
0 18          5
The wires from the device broke and I can not find any replacement ones. they do not sell them.. abyone found them online?
Derick vom 19.07.2015
0 17          9
I wondered how the graph shows when a question is answered as a lie.

The support replied me that reading the graph a bit is necessary to know where there has occured a lie. But they also told in the next software update it will be more clear!

All in all great polygraph very a realistic price!
Emma Franka vom 22.03.2021
0 17          7
I was a little bit sceptical about this detector because of the low price, but for now It works as bood as my other 7k euros one( NOT LYING)
Linn K. vom 27.04.2021
0 17          3
This lie detector is worth the upgrade. I had an old one for about 15 years, but its not up to date to today technology. This one has some very performant sensors
Manuel Fritz R. vom 28.10.2020
0 16          2
Very good lie-detector. I dont regret my update. I had an old one which was not working anymore. I would also expect a case to deposit the detector in good conditions, but it doesnt matter, I will buy one on my own. 5 stars, guys!!
Burle Clovis vom 06.11.2020
0 15          5
Do you have any certificate for selling this device? I know that everyone says that it is one of the best, but is it medical approved?
Liam Dario vom 21.08.2020
0 14          6
Kann mir jemand sagen, wie ich es installieren kann? Ich habe sie angerufen, aber ich verstehe es immer noch nicht. Schicken Sie mir eine E-Mail an:
Clay Bogart vom 17.04.2020
0 13          5
Der Service ist sehr gut. Der Preis ist niedrig und die Leute sind sehr professionell. Die Wartezeit ist ziemlich lang, aber das ist es wert.
Romantza Rheta vom 19.10.2020
0 13          4
Danke, dass Sie das Produkt sehr schnell geliefert haben! Es ist einfach zu installieren, aber etwas schwierig zu benutzen. Ich habe im Internet nach der Anleitung gesucht und jetzt benutze ich es jeden Tag!
Nixie v. vom 20.09.2020
0 13          9
Sehr guter Detektor. Ich benutze ihn täglich und er funktioniert perfekt. Ich empfehle ihn
Ben Orlando vom 02.02.2021
0 13          6
I made this upgrade after using my old lie detector for 5 years. It is really worth the upgrade
Armband V vom 17.04.2020
0 11          3
Der Lügendetektor ist gut. Er funktioniert sehr gut und die Ergebnisse sind präzise.
Dr. Limer T. vom 26.05.2021
0 11          3
This lie detector is a very big improvement from the last one that I had. I do poligraph tests in my cabinet and I need a very accurate device like this one. I recommend it to any profesionist!
Adam Smith vom 25.07.2021
0 11          2
I was worried at first because I thought it would be very hard to put together but it was not at all. In 20 minutes I was done assembling it. The product works very good and it is extremely precise.
Sofia Lea vom 17.12.2020
0 10          1
Ich wusste nicht, dass ich im Internet einen professionellen Lügendetektor kaufen kann. Es ist wirklich ein Upgrade von einem alten Gerät wert
Karl Lance vom 25.01.2021
0 10          6
Is it worth the upgrade? I have read on the reviews that it is a proffesional lie detector and I would like to know if it has the certifications for one
Dr. Pat vom 14.11.2019
0 8          6
Das Produkt brach nach 3 Monaten intensiven Gebrauchs zusammen. Ich rief im Laden an und sie schickten mir ein anderes Produkt. Ich war sehr verärgert, aber zumindest habe ich jetzt ein funktionierendes Produkt. Wenn es wieder kaputt geht, werde ich um ihr Geld zurück bitten
Jrgen Stephan vom 15.01.2020
0 8          5
Ich verstehe nicht, wie man das Produkt benutzt. Mein Freund, der Arzt ist, hat mir gezeigt, wie es funktioniert, aber es ist nicht für eine Person geeignet, die nicht weiß, wie. Ansonsten funktioniert es gut. Ich habe es bisher 4-5 mal benutzt
Rikard Norbert vom 22.10.2020
0 5          5
Lohnt sich das Upgrade wirklich? Ich habe eine 9 Jahre alte, die mein Vater benutzt hat, und ich möchte eine neue kaufen. Wenn mir jemand etwas sagen kann, hinterlassen Sie bitte eine Rezension. Danke